Sweeter Birthdays in Baltimore
March 31, 2017
Gluten Free Eating at the Jersey Shore
August 14, 2017Gluten Free Dining at Michigan State University

Loaded gluten free cafeteria tray at Michigan State University.

On a recent visit to Michigan, we planned a visit to my husband’s alma mater: Michigan State University. We knew we would be hungry after walking the beautiful campus and luckily we didn’t need to look further than the Brody Square cafeteria right on campus.
Located inside Brody Hall, this is not your typical college dorm cafeteria. Beautiful and modern, it was a place anyone would love to hang out and meet friends. Each food area has a different theme: my dinner tray had Tex-Mex, Japanese (sushi) and Homestyle (chicken, mashed potatoes and asparagus). It’s all you can eat and I definitely ate all I could!
Our visit was hot off Michigan State’s win of the 2017 Best Overall Food Allergies Program for Universities award from AllerTrain. AllerTrain is an accredited food allergy and gluten-free training course that teaches foodservice professionals about the top foods causing food allergies, the proper protocol for preparing food to avoid cross-contact and how to accommodate diners with special dietary needs.
Menus are posted at each station with allergens. I also mentioned our celiac to the staff (and chef if around) and they changed gloves for me. Staff are trained by AllerTrain on precautions, cross contamination, and food allergy symptoms. In addition, there is a dedicated refrigerator, microwave and toaster for gluten free bread products.
Students can view daily menus online and filter allergens to determine what’s being served that day they can safely eat, even before heading to the cafeteria. For parents with a child with celiac or food allergies, it is so encouraging to see schools safely caring for our kids away from home. Thank you Michigan State and other colleges and universities for making this a priority.