FOMO and the Celiac Parent
March 5, 2017Sweeter Birthdays in Baltimore
March 31, 2017A free seminar hosted by the University of Maryland Celiac Program
If you’re like me, you never run out of questions about celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity and gluten intolerance. No different from other medical conditions that may have patients asking questions, right?
Wrong. There is no other autoimmune disease (or any other disease for that matter!) – that requires the patient be the daily manager and gatekeeper of treatment. Every day, every meal, snack, even beverage must be analyzed for safety by the patient. The only cure – food – can be unwieldy. Products can hide gluten in places never expected. Cross contamination can occur at places once considered safe to eat. Recipes and manufacturing practices can change.
What has saved me from feeling overwhelmed by the constant vigilance and is the support of those who walk the same path AND the partnership with good medical professionals. I am grateful to have easy access to a Celiac Center at the University of Maryland. If you have access to a Celiac Center, I encourage you to link up with them. They truly understand the needs of the celiac and gluten free community. They understand the ways that celiac can affect many systems of the body and are the cutting edge of research. They know best how support the work we do to keep ourselves, and loved ones, safe and healthy.
For those living in Maryland, I encourage you to take advantage of the expertise of the University of Maryland Celiac Center. On March 7th, the Celiac Center physicians are hosting a free seminar discussing the latest in current management and future advancements in celiac and gluten intolerance. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, get support and ask questions!
Register here: